New Year, New Goals
Setting up your goals for success
Happy New Year Everyone!
It is officially 2021. Tis another year where we can further improve ourselves, pursue our passions and work towards our dreams. The Fizeek Geeks like everyone else have goals ranging from their health, fitness, projects, self-care, work, etc. But how do we set ourselves to successfully reach our goals?
There are many times where I set goals at the beginning of the year, but I was never able to achieve them for numerous reasons upon reflection. Either the goals were too unrealistic or I was too upset at myself at the progress I made and eventually gave up.
Throughout the years, I have learned how to improve setting myself for success through restructuring my goals. Setting SMART goals can help clarify your ideas, focus your energy, improve productivity, and improve your chances of success.
SMART goals stand for:
S: Specific (defined, clear, unambiguous)
M: Measurable (an objective criteria)
A: Achievable (attainable)
R: Relevant (realistic and relevant to your long term goals and ambition)
T: Time Bound (time sensitive)
If you can address those criteria within your goal statement, you have taken the first step in achieving your goal.
Examples of SMART goals:
“I will be able to squat 3 x 5 at 125 lbs to improve my leg strength in 30 days.”
I will consistently take a 10-minute standing break after every hour of work to reduce low back pain and hip tightness for the next 2 months.
I will earn my certification in ___ after completing the required modules and prerequisites in the next 3 months.
Setting SMART goals will help you move forward with your personal goals and career goals. The idea of SMART goal is ultimately set a framework and organize your goal to set yourself up for success. May you reach all your goals this year!
Roger Sheen, PT, DPT